By paying an amount into the foundation’s account or by giving your bank a standing order to make a monthly, quarterly or annual payment.
IBAN : BE71 2100 8404 2569 – BIC GEBABEBB
When the annual total of your donations reaches 40 € and more, the Fondation Saint-John sends you a tax certificate in the course of January of the year following your donation (s). By attaching this certificate to your tax return, you will benefit from a significant tax reduction.
By mentioning the Foundation in your will
Provide a legacy to the Saint John Foundation through his will :
By including the Saint John Foundation in your will, you will make a generous and helpful gesture that will allow the foundation to have resources to continue its struggle for children in distress. As a Foundation of Public Utility, the Saint John Foundation benefits from inheritance rights that are not significant. As a result, your legacy will greatly contribute to our goals.
Our accounts are controlled by an independent trustee mandated by Donorinfo. They are published on our website, on the sites